1-888-269-2066 || cds@segnik.com

vendor Fiscal and Employer Agent.

 Providing independence for children, teens, adults and older adults livning with any disability through flawless financial management and accounting. Let us handle the numbers while you enjoy the best in care services.”

Our Mission

At Segnik, our mission is to assist individuals and families with special needs to better live and work in the community.

We believe that all people living with disabilities and other barriers to success can reach their highest levels of independence.

For children, teens, adults and older adults with special needs and their families, that simply means we change lives.

Segnik facilitates freedom, choice and opportunity by leveraging technology to provide innovative fiscal agent solutions.

We approach each of our clients with an attitude of: “How can we make life simpler for the people we serve”.

We take great pride in our ability to listen to our customers and use what we have learned through our diverse experience to shape how we best meet their needs.

Our strength lies in the ability to actually implement and follow-through on real projects that have a positive, long lasting impact on people’s lives.

Featured Program

Segnik offers CDS to consumers in the following programs:

  • We act as a bank in receiving and disbursing public funds in accordance with individuals approved budgets.

  • We monitor individuals spending of public funds.

  • We provide a toll free number, complaint resolution, satisfaction surveys, paper and /or webbased budget reporting.

Our Services

The Consumer Directed Services (CDS) program provides assistance to individuals with disabilities who are 18 years of age or older and are able to self-direct their own care. Through Consumer Directed Services (CDS), clients are provided state funding to compensate a family member, friend, or other chosen independent to assist them in the care they need. For some, this is preferred alternative to traditional in-home care service because the caretaker is someone they are more comfortable with.


Self-determination is believing you can control your own destiny. Self-determination is a combination of attitudes and abilities that lead people to set goals for themselves, and to take the initiative to reach these goals. It is about being in charge, but is not necessarily the same thing as self-sufficiency ..

About us

Vendor Fiscal and Employer Agent.

Segnik is a Texas Corporation we serve as a Vendor Fiscal and Employer Agent. Segnik provides payroll, bill paying services for program participants or their representatives

What Makes Us Different

We put our client's interest first, and always

We give specific, and clear and advice

We are independent and fee-only

We work hard to help you toward financial security

Start Your Journey to Financial Freedom

You are just one form away from gaining the independence you have always sought. Learn how to get started and useful information on Hiring employees and payment options


Segnik Group Inc is a private, for-profit organization that was formed in Houston, Texas, and incorporated in 1993. It operates as a Financial Management Services Agent . …


7001 Corporate Dr. #302 Houston, TX 77036

